Youth for
Democracy in the first person
In this program we will visit the main institutions that make democracy in the provinces of Argentina. Do you want to be part of it?

What is it about?
The Youth For Democracy program is an initiative of Kairos Global with the sponsorship of the U.S. Embassy in Argentina. It is aimed at young leaders in our country and consists of organizing an agenda of meetings with leaders from the public and private sectors and third sector organizations to address issues related to institutional strengthening, democratic development and human rights.
The objective of the Program is to provide young students from different provinces of our country with the opportunity to witness first-hand the functioning of the institutions and processes of our democracy; and on the other hand, it aims to strengthen the creation of interpersonal links that contribute to the development of their academic and professional lives.
It is hoped that the young participants will be able to continue implementing the knowledge and techniques acquired during their time at the university, and enhance them, providing them with new tools and values such as citizen diplomacy, volunteerism and community service.
In this sense, we offer innovative experiences to deepen their knowledge of Argentine politics, culture, society and education.
In the context of a great crisis of representation and a growing questioning of democratic institutions in the region, we believe it is essential to vindicate democratic and republican values, as these are indispensable components for the full development of rights in the context of life in society.
To date, the #Y4D program has been carried out in the provinces of Tucuman, Jujuy, Catamarca and Mendoza.
November 28th and 29th in the city of Corrientes
COST: 100% free, all expenses paid for.
Students of university careers related to Social Sciences, Law and International Relations.
Be at least 18 old (at the time of the program)
They must submit an essay of no less than 500 (five hundred) words on a current topic proposed by the Evaluation Committee.
Be domiciled in one of the following four provinces: Corrientes, Chaco, Formosa or Misiones.
Background and academic performance.
Social participation.
Diversity of disciplinary areas.
Geographical distribution of scholarships.
Approval of current events essay.
Program Director
José Vieux
Advanced student of International Relations at the National University of Rosario. A former U.S. State Department fellow, he has been a volunteer at Kairos since 2019. Passionate about public diplomacy and space affairs, he is currently researching Argentina's international insertion in the space field in the 21st century.

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