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Simulation of diplomatic negotiations

Youth Diplomats

Would you like to be a diplomat for a day?

Youth Diplomats is an interactive simulation that allows participants to experience how foreign policy decisions are made in a simulated environment.


About the program:
Participants take on the roles of diplomats, representatives of civil society organizations, the private sector and various supranational bodies, and work in teams to resolve international crises and defend their national interests. The simulation is designed to be challenging and realistic, making it a valuable tool for those interested in learning about diplomacy and international politics.

In the simulation, participants must learn to negotiate, mediate, and communicate effectively to advance their foreign policy goals. This involves a range of interpersonal and problem-solving skills that are essential for effective diplomacy in the real world. The simulation also provides the opportunity to experience challenging and realistic situations that allow participants to apply their skills in real-life situations.

About the activity:
Educational simulations in the diplomatic field, unlike Model United Nations, involve diverse actors, promoting debate and broadening critical analysis of conflicts by considering diverse perspectives. By simulating diplomatic crises in Argentina, the country's national interests and foreign policy are explored in depth, providing information on agencies and officials involved in diplomacy. These simulations address international controversies that rarely reach agencies such as the United Nations. Global Kairos seeks to promote diplomacy and youth participation in international politics, offering tools and skills to students from an early age, with the aim of contributing to the development and training of future Argentine diplomats committed to national interests in the global arena.


Regarding the simulation topic, it is communicated to the selected participants weeks before the activity, along with which study guides are delivered to guide the participants in the central axes of the topics to be discussed, regulations and virtual training.


How to participate: To participate in this new edition, you must apply using the registration form. At the moment we do not have open calls, but we recommend that you follow us on our social networks, where you can find out about upcoming editions!


To find out all the latest news about the program, follow us at @youth.diplomats !

Program Director

Gianluca Piran Fuelli

Law student at the University of Buenos Aires, Youth Delegate at the World Forum for Democracy and Program Director at Kairos Global.


Leading Delegate of the "Resistance" movement

"This has been my first negotiating event and I have enjoyed it very much. I want to thank you all for the effort you have made. We will probably meet in future models as you have motivated me to continue my path in diplomacy."
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